Antelope Jambalaya

Who doesn't love a little Cajun variety with their wild game? The Antelope Jambalaya was made during one of our Montana From Field To Table events and is a classic Cajun favorite!  Even Justin Wilson would be able to say “I  Gar-on-tee”  you ‘re going to love this one!


½ lb Bacon

2 lbs Cooked Corned Antelope (ham)

2 lbs Antelope Cajun Sausage

1 p Onions Large diced

½ c Garlic chopped

1 c Green Pepper large diced

1 c Celery diced

2 c Long Grain Rice

2 14-oz can Diced tomatoes

1 qt beef Broth

½ c Louisiana Hot Sauce

1 tsp Thyme ground

4 ea Bay Leaf

1 tsp Cayenne pepper

2 tsp Cumin ground

1 tsp Oregano

S&P (to taste)


Brine, cook meat day before. In large cast iron pan, brown bacon, sausage, and cooked corned meat. Add onions, garlic, peppers, celery and brown. Add rice, tomatoes, broth, and hot sauce. Combines spices, add, bring to boil. Cover and finish in 350-degree oven until meat is fork tender and desire consistency. Adjust flavor and consistency. About 1-1 ½ hours.


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