Traditional Corned Venison Hash

I originally learned how to do corned venison hash from Chef Wutsch during our cow elk hunt during the 2019 season. Because it was so good and the fact that my wife, Deborah loves pastrami, corned beef and a good Rueben Sandwich I had to make it at home.

I went more traditional with fried potatoes, onions and added corn for a sweet taste and crunch.

Greg Ray


  • Cooked corned game meat, pulled, shredded or cubed 3 lbs
  • Onions, small dice 1 c
  • Potatoes, raw, cubed
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper
  • 1 can Sweet Corn
  • Chicken Broth 1 qt
  • Garlic Powder 1 tsp
  • Onion Powder 1 tsp
  • Pickling Spice
  • Sugar 1 T
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Cooking oil (We used Avocado Oil)
  • Eggs


Corned Venison:

  • Pull venison from brine (see brining recipe/instructions here)
  • Rinse venison, add back to pot and cover with chicken stock
  • Simmer venison for 1 to 3 hours until fork tender (Depending on what cut of meat you use. More tender cuts take less time).


  • Peel and cube potatoes, cook until soft (12 to 14 minutes, do not over cook)

Onions and Peppers:

  • Dice onion and pepper, set aside for hash


  • Add enough oil to a cast iron skillet to fry single layer of potatoes, heat oil and add potatoes to fry. Do not over crowd the pan so that all sides of potatoes brown. Once both sides are brown, remove from pan and spread out on flat surface with paper towels.
  • Add diced onions and peppers to hot cast iron skillet and cook until soft, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Add sweet corn and continue to cook.
  • Add potatoes back into the cast iron skillet
  • Add corned venison back to skillet
  • Turn oven on warm and place skillet with hash in oven while poaching eggs

Poached Eggs:

  • Use a pan with a large surface area so you do not crowd your eggs
  • Add enough water to just cover the tops of eggs (You will notice in the video I did not add enough water!)
  • Add a small amount of vinegar and salt to the water (helps keep egg whites together)
  • Heat to 180 F (You do NOT want the water to boil or your eggs will go everywhere)
  • We add eggs from individual containers to ease them into the water
  • Cook 3 to 5 minutes depending on how you like them done. (Runny yolk is the best! Just sayin!)


  • Pull hash from oven
  • Plate and top with a poached egg or two
  • Add your favorite sauce (We used a mixture of Siracha and ranch)

Yields: 16-3 oz servings


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