Wild Boar Bratwurst in Beer and Kraut

Viewers , clients and those just curious about From Field To Table have been asking about what we prepare during our events, so we thought we would start sharing our recipes that clients make while attending a live FFTT. This one is an obvious German dish and is made from Bratwurst that were made by the clients during the actual class.

Recipe by Chef Albert




Boar Bratwurst in Beer & Kraut

  • 4 lbs Boar Bratwurst
  • ¼ c Garlic chopped
  • 1 qt Onion diced
  • 2 qts Red Potatoes halved
  • 2 qts Sauerkraut
  • ¼ c Dijon Mustard
  • ½ c Brown Sugar
  • 2 bottles beer
  • 3 T Caraway Seeds
  • 1 T Paprika
  • 1 tsp Black Pepper


Cut bratwurst into 2 inch pieces, lightly brown in oven in roasting pan. Add garlic, onions, potatoes, kraut, seasonings spices and beer. Bring to boil on stove top, adjust consistency and flavor, cover and bake in oven. Serve with sour cream, chopped chives, and rye toast.


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