Wild Boar Spam

Hold the green eggs and give us Wild Boar Spam any day! The Wild Boar Spam was made during one of our Texas From Field To Table events.   Who knew that spam could be made with fresh wild boar and taste sooo much better than from out of a can?!?!?!   This hearty dish is a great side with fried eggs along with grits and the tasty wild boar scrapple (find recipe on our site) and will definitely fill you up!


5 lbs Wild Boar Trim/Cubed

Morton Tender Quick Brine

½ g Water

8 oz/1 c Morton Tender Quick

¼ c Pickling Spice, (Optional)

Spice Blend

¼ c Sugar

1 T Garlic, granulated

1 T Onion powder

1 T White Pepper


Prepare the brine by bringing half the water to boil, add Tender Quick and dissolve. add the remaining cool water. Once chilled its ready to use. If making corned/pickled Boar, add the pickling spice but strain before brining the meat. Add the cubed meat and brine for 24-48 hours. Remove meat from the brine, wash & rinse. Grind the meat through the large die, then twice through the fine die. Combine the spice blend and add to the meat in mixer or mix with gloved hands. Mix well, pack the meat extra tight into lightly greased 1 lb loaf pans. Bake at 325 degrees until internal temperature reaches 165 degrees. Remove from oven, let rest, chill overnight. Remove from pan and use as you would spam

  • Plating Spam, Scrapple, Grits, & Fried Egg
  • Place dollop of Grits, shingle slice of Fried Spam & Scrapple over Grits,, top with Egg, hot sauce and Fresh Chopped Herb.


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